Instafreebie – An Awesome Resource for Readers And Writers

As a reader and writer, I love Instafreebie. Instafreebie is one of the best sites today for book lovers. It’s my first pick whenever I want to discover new authors. The wide selection of free books available on the platform is one of the main reasons I visit Instafreebie. And now, Instafreebie has made it even easier to get books with an app.

I’ve been a published author for 7 weeks now. One of the first things I did before publishing my book was join Instafreebie to build my mailing list. I uploaded my short story BLAZE in April 2017 and since then I’ve had 4,469 copies claimed. Instafreebie helped me reach over 1,000 new readers a month.

Instafreebie has been an effective method of building my mailing list and I recommend it to any new author starting out, existing author looking to build their mailing list with quality subscribers, and all readers in search of a good story to read.

Now Instafreebie’s app should make it even more easier for hungry readers to get their hands on new work from their favorite authors.

Whether you’re a reader or a writer, one of the best places you can get books is Instafreebie. It’s an awesome resource for readers and writers. The best thing I ever did was open up an instafreebie account. If you’re a writer, click here to open your Instafreebie account. If you’re a reader, all you have to do is get the app or visit the site and get your free books today.


Cover Reveal: Blaze

I relaunched my instaFreebie short story BLAZE with a new cover.

When I first published Blaze I couldn’t find a cover that suited the story and settled for the original cover. I thought it matched the plot line but perhaps gave more of a dystopian/post-apocolyptic vibe. Despite my misgivings, the cover seemed to appeal to readers. Over 1,500 people have downloaded Blaze since I launched it at the beginning of April.

I’m curious to see if the new cover will attract more readers.

What do you think of it? I’ve included the original cover so that you can compare the two.







What do you think? Do you like the original cover or the new one?

Get Blaze here – exclusively on instaFreebie.



Personally, I think it’s stunning. Look at all the lovely details!

Fury: A Fantasy Collection

My short story Blaze is in an instaFreebie boxset. It’s a fantasy collection featuring 9 other authors and over 2,000 pages long.

Special thanks to AJ Chaudhury who organized the group and put this together & Amir Lane who designed the stunning cover. The goal was to get this into as many readers hands as possible. Right now we’ve exceeded 1,500 downloads so it looks like we’re on the right track.

It’s available for a limited time so grab the collection while you still can!


I is for InstaFreebie #AtoZChallenge

I first put Blaze on InstaFreebie on 1st April. So far I have had 137 subscribers sign up to my mailing list. That’s a great number, even when you take into account my nondescript cover.

Hopefully by the time I launch my debut book I will have amassed a greater number of subscribers and built a decent-sized mailing list. I’m already thinking of a second work that I can publish on InstaFreebie to capture more readers.

InstaFreebie is a good way to find new readers. Once they sign up for my mailing list I can try to convert them into readers of my paid work.

My advice to writers is to do the following:

  1. Write a short work.
  2. Put it on InstaFreebie
  3. Make sure readers have to opt-in to your mailing list to get your free book.
  4. Join Instafreebie promotions.

InstaFreebie will even help you reach an audience if you put together a promotion of 10+ books by posting it on their page and promoting it through their emails.

B is for Blaze #AtoZChallenge

BLAZE is a short story set in the world of my upcoming book, A SWORD OF FORTUNE AND FATE. It’s a short read, at a little over 10K words. It should take you a sitting to get through the book.

Blaze is a central character in A SWORD OF FORTUNE AND FATE, the first book in my Dare Valari series.

The story was inspired by my friend asking me how Blaze got his nickname. This story explains how. It also introduces readers to additional side character that will appear in A SWORD OF FORTUNE AND FATE.

You can download the story at Instafreebie by clicking HERE.

Happy Reading!