Have you chosen a goal for 2018’s Goodreads Reading Challenge? I decided to repeat 2017’s goal and stick to 100 books.

I’m currently ahead of schedule but I have one extra book that shouldn’t be there. It’s the boxed set. I’m not sure how to work around that. I wanted to show that I read the boxed set and also show the three books included within the set. I guess I’ll have to read an extra book and make my goal 101.

This week’s books:
Michael Wolff – Fire and Fury – Yes, I was one of the many putting this book in #1 spot. I’m fascinated by this White House. It’s dysfunctional and messy, and Wolff covers all that.
Assorted Authors – Fall of Magic Urban Fantasy Anthology – Finally managed to finish the anthology I was in. Lots of fun stories. If you haven’t picked it up yet, it’s $0.99 on Amazon.
Lindsay Buroker – Dragon Blood Books 1-3 Boxed Set – Containing the books Balanced on the Blade’s Edge, Deathmaker, and Blood Charged. Enjoyed these light fantasy romance reads. Recommend picking up your copy. It’s currently free on Amazon.

What books have you read this week? What books are you planning to read this weekend? If you have any recommendations for fantasy reads leave me a comment!