Magic Runes is Leaving Kindle Unlimited

Magic Runes is leaving Kindle Unlimited and it was a sudden, snap decision.

The backstory: I was contacted yesterday by an author to join an urban fantasy boxset. I didn’t know the author but I enjoy networking and wanted to learn more about the project. I was invited to the group and, to my delight, I found an author friend already there. Of course, the first thing she did was remind me of the last boxset the two of us had joined where the organizer ran off with our money. To date that has been the first and last time I’ve ever used PayPal customer protection. I managed to get my money back but not everyone was so lucky.

Anyway, I’ve gotten off track…Since the original author that invited me to the group was asleep due to being in Australia, my friend told me the theme of the boxset was first-in-series urban fantasy. I checked the KDP Select end term for Magic Runes and it turned out it ends on the 24th. I unticked the auto-renewal for the next 3-month-term of KDP select.

On a whim, I checked the end dates for the KDP Select term for the Dare Valari series and found that they end in September and October and removed those from renewal as well.

I have never scheduled a free book giveaway and on another whim, decided to use up all five free days for the first time in Magic Runes’ history. The book will be free from 20 August until 24 August. And on 25 August, I’ll be taking the book wide and sharing it on other retailers.

As for the Dare Valari series, I’m leaning toward unpublishing the books but I would like to give readers a chance to read the third book before I do that.

And that’s the story of how randomly Magic Runes will go wide starting the end of August!






Thanks to Readers, I got a Steak Dinner

My friend said if I beat my record of 37 reviews (Magic Runes) she’d buy me a steak dinner. I asked my readers for help, and guess what? Readers, we won! Supernatural Slayer has 70 reviews to date. I promised you a photo of the steak and here it is:

That’s 1kg of delicious meat. And no, I couldn’t finish it all myself. I shared it with two other friends. Thank you for helping me win my bet! And thank you for leaving such generous and kind reviews. I’m really happy you enjoyed Supernatural Slayer.

Magic Runes got a few extra reviews since I set up that bet, with the total now at 41 reviews.

It’s interesting to see how the other books compare to the ones above. They have a considerably lower number of reviews. My first book A Sword of Fortune and Fate, published in July 2017 has 19 reviews.

The follow-up book A Sword of Shadows and Light published in August 2017 has 9 reviews.

My latest release Beautiful Magic has 7 reviews.

I don’t usually ask for reviews in my newsletter so it was fun to win this bet. Thank you to the 70 people that helped me do that today. A special thanks to those that left reviews on my other works. If you have the time and want to show the other books some love, consider leaving a review on them too.

A couple of readers had asked me how I felt toward reviews. Overall, I enjoy reading them because I love seeing what readers thought of the story. Whether they’re positive or negative, they’re all great reviews to me. I appreciate the fact that a reader took the time to write something. My favorite reviews are the ones that let me know what worked and/or what didn’t work for the reader. It’s great insight and can help me with my next project.

A negative review that breaks down where I lost the reader is sometimes more helpful than a generic “I loved it” review. That said, I love all the reviews. The more, the merrier. As you can see from the examples above, I didn’t have much of a history in getting reviews. It’s always exciting to see a new one pop up!

To my readers, I wanted to thank you again for reading my work and for your support. It means the world to this fledgling author. And to each reviewer, thank you for making your voice known. This author reads and appreciates each review, positive or negative, they’re all gold in the end.

Cover Reveal: Magic Rebel

Earlier in the month, I asked if you could guess the title of Book 3 in the Magic Runes series.

Here it is! Isn’t the cover fantastic? Andrei Bat did an outstanding job as usual designing this cover. I’m loving the swirls of purple around Carmen and I’m so excited for this book! I’m excited for all my books but this one has a special place in my heart. It might be because Magic Rebel is the last book in the Carmen Rebello series…or is it? You’ll have to read it to find out!


Scheduled release date is August 2018.



Have you read Magic Runes? If you did, I have a question for you:

Did you think the book ended with a cliffhanger? 

I’m not going to share spoilers on the main post but added a warning label because I expect there to be some spoilers in the comments.

Why am I asking this? Well, I had a friend read Magic Runes before it was published to offer feedback. She told me the book’s ending wrapped things up nicely. I was surprised when an author friend told me a few days ago that it most definitely was a cliffhanger. Now I’m wondering how many of you think it was a cliffhanger. I know some readers hate that and it wasn’t my intention to do that. I thought it was an interesting way to lead to the second book in the series.

I’m working on a revised ending now. If you’ve read the book, I’d really appreciate you sharing with me your thoughts on the ending in the comments section 🙂


Thank You!

With your help Magic Runes broke several personal records. It was the first book of mine to make the top 20 of several lists on Amazon and exceed 600+ sales in a month.

If you’re on my newsletter list you may remember me saying how I’d be happy if I got 100 pre-orders. Well, by the time the book went live I was ECSTATIC! Why?

Magic Runes ended with 544 pre-orders!

That’s 5x what I hoped for!

I’m so thankful for all your support and helping make this happen. I couldn’t have done it without you. I really appreciate your emails and messages on Facebook letting me know how much you enjoyed the book. I’m so happy so many of you connected with it!

Right now the sequel, Magic Rifts, has 438 pre-orders. I’m aiming for 650 pre-orders by the time the book is released.

Think we can do it?