Writing Prompt

She heard a rustling sound before the vampire stepped out of the shadows.  The shifter quickly…

Tell me what happens next in the comments!

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Sneak Preview: Hidden Power – Chapter 1

2017 Writer Resolutions in Review

2017: Writer Resolutions


  1. …crouched out of view. She watched the vampire carry his victim further into the deep, dark forest and decided to follow them.

  2. She heard a rustling sound before the vampire stepped out of the shadows. The shifter quickly cursed. “What are you doing here, Mark?”
    “I told you I couldn’t allow you do it.”
    “It’s my choice,” she growled back at him.
    “Your choice will affect us all. Reconsider your decision or I’ll be forced to do something we’ll both regret.”

  3. laughed low in his throat. “you should know better than to try and sneak up on a shifter little sister.”

  4. She heard a rustling sound before the vampire stepped out of the shadows. The shifter quickly followed them back to the vampire layer and watch for the moment to saver her.

  5. threw back his cloak with a swirl of red satin revealing a perfectly tailored suit. His pocket square was made of the same material as the cloak lining. Ruby cuff links exactly matched the red of the lining and his full lips. He strode into the lounge gathering every female eye in the room. . .

  6. She heard a rustling sound before the vampire stepped out of the shadows. The shifter quickly raised her phone to snap a photo. He looked drawn and inhuman, his mouth slightly open and she knew that he would be drooling with hunger. A few swipes and taps later and the image was making its way through the aether to Toshe.
    -Did you feed him?- she captioned it.
    -Yes- came the terse reply.
    She huffed. That was no help. She raised her eyes to the sky in search of inspiration, but none came. When she lowered her eyes back to the screen, though, another banner had popped up.
    -Sorry, not feeling too great, he was hungry-
    -I can tell-
    -He said he was sated! Keep your nose to his tail, I’ll be along as soon as I’m able-
    The shifter stared at the pixels for a few moments longer, lips compressing into a nervous line. Then she tucked the phone back in her pocket, stripped off her clothes and rolled them into a tight bundle. Once it was safely tucked under a hedge, she sank to the ground. With a shake to settle her fur, she pulled in a deep breath. Picking the vampire’s scent from the olfactory noise of the park, she set off.