Cover Reveal: Blaze

I relaunched my instaFreebie short story BLAZE with a new cover.

When I first published Blaze I couldn’t find a cover that suited the story and settled for the original cover. I thought it matched the plot line but perhaps gave more of a dystopian/post-apocolyptic vibe. Despite my misgivings, the cover seemed to appeal to readers. Over 1,500 people have downloaded Blaze since I launched it at the beginning of April.

I’m curious to see if the new cover will attract more readers.

What do you think of it? I’ve included the original cover so that you can compare the two.







What do you think? Do you like the original cover or the new one?

Get Blaze here – exclusively on instaFreebie.



Personally, I think it’s stunning. Look at all the lovely details!

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