Dare Valari is the main character of my upcoming fantasy novel A SWORD OF FORTUNE AND FATE.
She’s the privileged daughter of a nobleman. With one spontaneous decision, her life is turned upside down. She has to leave everyone she loves and cares about to go find her place in the world. A chance encounter with the notorious Blaze sets her life on a path she never expected.
What do you think? Is my introduction to Dare Valari too vague? Does it make you want to read the book or put it back down and move on to the next fantasy novel? I’m still working on how to present the story to readers without giving away the twists and turns. This is a spoiler-free zone.
In any case, I could use the feedback. I’m still new at this.
I suppose, in a way, A SWORD OF FORTUNE AND FATE can be categorized as a coming of age fantasy novel. It’s got some mystery, intrigue, and a lot of sword fighting.