G is for goodreads #AtoZChallenge

I love reading. I love books. I love finding out what people are reading and what they’ve enjoyed. Strangely enough, I’ve never been part of a book club.

If you’re a fan of books you have to be on Goodreads!


This year I’ve been binge-reading. I read a lot of books at once and then slowly read parts of some until the urge to binge struck again.

For the 2017 Reading Challenge I chose 100 books. As of today, my Goodreads Reading Challenge is 54% complete. I think I’ll read more during the summer.

As part of self-publishing, it’s been interesting to see how people use Goodreads. I leave short reviews that serve as reminders to myself. I tend to forget if I’ve read books or not. Goodreads basically acts as my journal. If I read something and forget about whether I liked it or not, it won’t be unusual for me to leave zero stars. That’s not a reflection on the book but rather that my bad memory was back and I couldn’t remember what I had thought of the book.

I enjoy being part of the community at Goodreads and it’s important as a reader and writer to see what books people are enjoying and recommending.

Do you have a Goodreads profile? Follow me or add me as a friend HERE.

New April Book Releases

Happy April 1st! Here are four books I’m excited to read this April.

Click on the covers to purchase or pre-order the books from Amazon.

April 4
Red Sister – Mark Lawrence

April 13
Cold Welcome – Elizabeth Moon

April 25
Snared – Jennifer Estep

Blade Bound – Chloe Neill

These are just some of the science fiction and fantasy books I’m hoping to read in April.

What new releases are you excited about? Let me know in the comments below!

Goodreads 2017 Reading Challenge

Earlier this year I set myself a Goodreads Reading Challenge goal of 50 books for 2017.

I decided on 50 books because last year I chose 150 books. It was a mistake. I constantly felt stressed about reading whenever I saw the Goodreads widget tell me I was behind. I actually read less because of it.

That’s why this year I chose a simple 50 books would work for me. I knew from past years it was an achievable number and it wouldn’t pressure me unduly.

I didn’t take into account that I would go on a reading binge in the first six weeks of the year and reach 86% of my goal.


With that in mind, I decided to recalibrate and reset my goal for 100 books. As you can see, I’m at 43% of goal now with 29 books ahead of schedule.


I’m confident I’ll reach this goal, without adding undue pressure on myself. There are a lot of amazing books coming out this year from some of my favorite writers and I can’t wait to read them all!

What’s your 2017 Goodreads Reading Challenge goal?